Friday, May 22, 2009

Lately, the workouts have been the hardest part. Not that they're physically so strenuous, just finding the time and the motivation. But I've still only skipped three workouts since I started, so I'm going to keep going strong as much as I can. And I do regret it if I forget (or fall asleep), but I won't make excuses. This weekend will be difficult, but I'm making it my goal to work out before we leave (I get off work early this afternoon), and then when we get home on Sunday, so that only puts Saturday in question. Maybe I'll try to get Chris to do some fun martial arts stuff, or maybe I'll just try to get up early and do some extra. We'll probably walk everywhere, so that should help, and maybe I can convince him to hit the pool with me. If all else fails, I'm pretty sure he packed up the Xbox, so maybe I could squeeze in an Instant Queue workout from Netflix. Who knows, there could be a workout channel, we don't have cable.

Calories have been good so far, but I know there will be a lot of temptation when we go out to eat this weekend. My policy is going to be sticking with small portions and smart choices (grilled not fried, etc). Wish me luck!

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